Thursday, December 16, 2010


Yup. That's me.
Our story begins with Sarah, the good friend, playing matchmaker: 

In an attempt to set up my two good friends, Brian and Jamee, I planned a Christmas Cookie making double date at my house. Pretty nice of me right? I thought so. However, the other half of the double (me) was dateless. Now this may look like a dilemma, but it was, in fact, completely intentional. I've decided that if boys are going to be dumb, and not ask me on dates, then I was going to take my dating life into my own hands. 

So I picked a boy that I was actually interested in, and decided to call him. It went a bit like this:

Boy: Hello?
Sarah: Hey [boy] it's Sarah, What's up!?
Boy: Oh hey! Just marinating some steaks.
    [Witty banter about steaks, marinating and the like]
Sarah: Well I was just calling to see what you were doing Friday night?
Boy: Friday? Ummm...... Oh yeah! We're having a movie night at my friend's house. But it's pretty flexible. Why what's up?
[Close up of Sarah's panic-stricken face. Music fades to silence and all we can hear is a solitary heart beat growing steadily louder and faster]
Sarah: Oh. Well.....We're having a cookie-making party....... just a couple people over to decorate Christmas cookies.
Boy: A Cookie making party? That sounds excellent! What does that entail?
[Sarah closes her eyes shut and fakes bashing her head off the counter followed by a calm explanation of a cookie making party.]

I'll spare you all the pain and embarrassment of the 3 minutes that followed, and suffice it to say I'll never make fun of boys for being scared to ask girls out again. Fortunately the Lord knew I was a really big baby and gave me a second chance. Jamee realized that she had promised her brother she'd go to a concert Friday night, so she needed to move it to Saturday. Time for redemption. This time I used the less frightening texting option (I know... still lame, but I gotta work with baby steps here). It looked a bit like this:

So there's kind of this long story involving me trying to set two people up with a cookie party, then things going awry and it somehow becomes a double date on a different day but I'm dateless, and confused... so I'll spare you the gory details and ask if you're by chance available for a cookie making date tomorrow night? :D

Yeah, it was still a pansy asking out, but.... I did it. And I went on the date, and it was fun.

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