So a couple months ago I decided I needed to be nicer to my body. So I chucked out all my processed stuff, loaded my diet with mostly produce, and bought a gym membership. At about the same time my friend bought P90x, which I was a little jealous about because I hear it's the best way to get in shape.
So to make a long story short, I started doing it with his mom. That's right, I'm doing P90x with a 65 yr old woman, and she rocks it! Basically it works on the philosophy of muscle confusion. It changes your workout everyday, and then changes that every 3 weeks so that your body never gets used to what you're doing, which means you never hit a plateau. And if you follow the workout and the nutrition plan exactly, you'll have your dream body in 90 days.
Now I'm already eating pretty healthy, and I'm not so worried about having my dream "beachbody," I just want to be as healthy as I can be. With that being said, after 16 days of the most intense workout I've ever done in my life, I'm completely addicted. It's a 100% love/hate relationship. I dread it as much as I look forward to it, and while I'm doing it I want to cry as much as I want to do one more rep.
And the best part? It's getting easier! Plus I'm still sore after every workout, which means it's working. And when I'm done I feel more proud of myself than I've ever been. Ever. My life is so good.
But don't worry. I still eat cookie dough out of the tub.
Just not as often :)
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