Monday, August 2, 2010


This weekend I went up to Seattle to be a bridesmaid for one of my mission companions (pictures to come), and the whole crew started throwing out random letters to explain weird things they did. Very strange. Anyway, it's the Myer's-Briggs personality test, which was originally created by Carl Jung, and later adapted to be more encompassing.

So, being the intrigued individual I am, I took it and as it turns out, I'm an INFJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). Apparently only 1% of the population are INFJ's and we had 3 of them all sitting at the table. We later held a convention.

There's a book called Please Understand Me II that explains in detail all the different elements, but you can read about your type pretty extensively online. It's probably one of the most accurate, and eye-opening personality tests I've taken. So! If you want to give it a go, here's the link to the test.

And it also gives you your "perfect match" apparently I work best with ENTPs, so if you know any tall nerdy ones, send em my way ;)


  1. I'm an ESFP
    Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving

    It says I like to talk, and am a good story teller...

  2. There are so many things I love about this post:

    One, you went to Seattle. Isn't it lovely?!
    (Will you please move there later? We want to. And we could be friends. Yes!)

    AND, according to your fancy test--you and I are the same. Or at least, I am also a INFJ. Horray!

    Lets be friends? :)
