Monday, April 27, 2009

Gulpin' Away The Cash

So today, I went to go put gas in my car, and ended up locking my keys in my car. I tried the 'ol clothes hanger trick, failed. Then a random drunk man attempted to help me out. He even ran over to the police station next door to see if they'd help. No luck. So we went inside, he bought a 40 oz, and I called a million places for quotes. One guy told me $65, and after I told him that I found a place that would do it for $35, he said he'd do it for $32.50. Really? You just cut your price in half? Sure!

So...I ended up spending 2 hours at this gas station waiting for the locksmith man. And I couldn't help but notice that everyone that came in got fountain soda. I didn't realize it was that popular. Then I started to think about all of the money that that could add up to. If you came in every day and got yourself a big gulp at $1.29 a cup, multiply that by 5 working days a week, 52 weeks a year, and you're spending $335.40 a year! That's more than I pay for rent. Crazy huh? And think of the calories, sugar, and aspertame that go with that... :

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